Sunday 8 December 2019


Kratinos the Athenian                     Born: 519 BC    Died: 422 BC

Kratinos was one of the most important comedy writers of Ancient Greece.

He was a contemporary of  Aeschylos and Aristophanes.
He wrote 24 stories which were characterised by their very sharp scathing humour.
Participation in competitions:

425 BC     Cheimazomenoi        2nd prize               Aharneis ( by Aristophanes) joint 2nd 424 BC     Satyrs                       2nd prize               Ippeis (by Aristophanes)  1st
423 BC     Pytine                       1st prize                Nefele ( by Aristophanes) last

Diousalexandros, another of his plays,  was found in a papyrus in 1903.
The following are plays by Kratinos.
  • Archilochoi ("The Archilochuses") (c. 448 BC)
  • Boukoloi ("The Cow-Herds")
  • Bousiris ("Busiris")
  • Deliades ("Women From Delos")
  • Didaskaliai ("The Rehearsals")
  • Drapetides ("Female Runaways")
  • Empipramenoi ("Men On Fire") or Idaioi ("The Idaeans")
  • Euneidai ("Children of Euneus")
  • Thrattai ("Women From Thrace")
  • Kleoboulinai ("The Cleobulines")
  • Lakones ("The Laconians")
  • Malthakoi ("The Soft Ones")
  • Nemesis ("Nemesis")
  • Nomoi ("The Laws")
  • Odysseis ("The Odysseuses")
  • Panoptai ("The All-Seers")
  • Ploutoi ("The Gods of Wealth")
  • Pylaia ("The Meeting At Pylae")
  • Satyroi ("Satyrs"), won 2nd prize at the Lenaea of 424 BC[5]
  • Seriphioi ("Men From Seriphus")
  • Trophonios ("Trophonius")
  • Cheimazomenoi ("Storm-Tossed Men"), won 2nd prize at Lenaea of 425 BC[6]
  • Cheirones ("The Chirons")
  • Horai ("The Hours")
  • From Wikipaedia.

    Kratinos was awarded nine times for his plays. His numerous work fragments were saved by Ancient biologist Atheneos.
    His scathing humour was impetuous and prominent. He is said to have been initiated in Orphism and was a follower of Bacchus.
    Kratinos belonged to the Oeneis tribe, one of the ten tribes of Ancient Athens.
    He is referred to by proponents of the Erasmian theory of Ancient Greek  pronunciation. For this, his famous phrase is: «Ὁ δ' ἠλίθιος ὥσπερ πρόβατον βῆ βῆ λέγων βαδίζει».
    There are, however, serious objections to the Erasmian style of Greek pronunciation by many scholars.

    For more information on Kratinos look up Wikipaedia.


    1.   Erehtheis
    2.   Aigeis
    3.   Pandionis
    4.   Leondis
    5.   Akamandis
    6.  Oeneis
    7.   Kekropis
    8.   Ippothondis
    9.   Aeandis
    10. Andiohis

     MUNICIPALITIS OF THE OENEIS TRIBE  (Organised by Kleisthenis 6th c. B.C.

    1.   Aharnai
    2.   Voutadai
    3.   Epikifisia
    4    Thria
    5.   Ippotamathai
    6.   Kothokithai
    7.   Lakiathai
    8.    Lousia
    9.   Meliti
    10. Oi
    11. Perithoithai
    12. Ptelaia
    13. Tyrmithai
    14. Fyli


    Monday 2 December 2019



    No they are just trying to scaremonger others into submission.

    The talk as of recent is about the newly "declared " EEZ between Turkey and Libya.
    This unilateral declaration is ill-conceived unemployable as it is internationally unacceptable. The Turks refuse Greece's right to an EEZ with the only reasoning that: Islands have NO continental shelf. They used this false argument to make  their deal with Libya. Of course we all know what a divided country Libya is after the fall of Kaddafi.
    In fact it makes me think...
    Is this part of the grand plan of the Imperialist world forces in order to get their hands on cheap energy resources?
    As we know ALL NON ALLIED NATIONS have suffered either for their resources or their political standings or both.
    Malta: See what happened to Mintoff.
    Yugoslavia: Destroyed with war  by Imperialism.
    Libya: Destroyed with war  by Imperialism.
    Iraq: Destroyed with war  by Imperialism.
    Syria: Destroyed with war by Imperialism.
    Cyprus: Destroyed with war by Imperialism.
    Greece: Destroyed with economic war by Imperialism and recently threat of War by the expansionist actions of Turkey.
    Turkey without subscribing to international Law threatens the very survival of what should be one of their allies.
    So is Turkey right? should islands not be included in the creation of an EEZ? have they no continental shelf?

    Under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, "the name continental shelf was given a legal definition as the stretch of the seabed adjacent to the shores of a particular country to which it belongs."

     From the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)

    "The continental shelf of a coastal State comprises the seabed and subsoil of the
    submarine areas that extend beyond its territorial sea throughout the natural
    prolongation of its land territory to the outer edge of the continental margin, or to
    a distance of 200 nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of the
    territorial sea is measured where the outer edge of the continental margin does not
    extend up to that distance."

    From the  Maritime Zones


    "Islands are naturally formed land areas surrounded by water on all sides. Islands must be above the water at high tide and able to sustain human habitation or economic life of their own.19 Islands possess the same maritime zones as other landmasses, including a territorial sea, contiguous zone, EEZ, and continental shelf. Islands do not need to be inhabited to create those maritime zones; they only need to be capable of sustaining human habitation or economic life. See below for information on artificial islands, which are treated differently than naturally occurring  islands."                                                                                                                      


    "A rock in the LOSC is defined as an island that is unable to support human habitation or economic life. Rocks provide their owners with less control than islands, providing only a territorial sea and a contiguous zone. They do not create or further the extent of an EEZ. Rock is a legal term and does not refer to any particular type of geological formation. For example, a sandbar can be considered a rock."

    Ο  ΝΟΩΝ ΝΟΕΙΤΩ           who is able to understand, understands

    Below are the maps of internationally accepted  EEZs of the countries involved in the dispute of the East Mediterranean courtesy of:












    Of course EEZ' can only be agreed between partners, but these are the internationally accepted proposed parameters set by all International bodies.

    Turkey has not signed the UNCLOS agreement so how is it that uses the EEZ code to promote its Illegal claims?
    Of course this is a rhetorical question as we all know Turkey acts CRAZY!

